climax community
- (演替)顶极群落

The research progress of climax community in forest
The internal balance and the feedback adjustment of acetic acid type climax community
Finally , microbial climax community made up of specific populations was formed .
Effect of initial conditions on climax community in hydrogen bio-production reactor
Fermentation Type and Climax Community Controlled by pH 、 ORP
Realize the goal of " introducing nature into city " with the ecological theory " climax community ";
Furthermore it indicates climax community of Karst areas ' vegetation and specialty of direction towards community succession .
Analysis on the Inter-specific Association of the Climax Community in the Malan Forest Area on the Loess Plateau
The character and structure of dominant species indicate that the evergreen broad-leaved forest of this area is a climax community .
The succession trends in the areas are to get to the climax community of Picea crassifolia + moss forest .
Highly competitive species , which are tolerant of low resource levels will replace opportunistic good colonizers and come to dominate the climax community .
While effect of disturbance was preponderated over the range of community fluctuation , climax community degraded evidently , and degraded degree of communities increased gradually .
If there were no unnatural disturbance , the succession would go on , and terraneous vegetation would take the place of reed community and form climax community .
The Ecological Succession of Climax Community Restricted by COD / SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) Ratio in Acidogenic Desulfate Bioreactor
The natural restoration process of degraded communities in Karst area was considered as a developing process of the similar degress from low to high between the degraded communities and climax community in structure and function .
Restricted to the terrain , no matter it is the plantation or the wildwood , the result is close to natural succession almost , and tends to reach a climax community .
The climax community in the area is the result of long time evolution and chooses . The landscape forest construction collocating plants in the form of climax community would build the absolutely natural and healthy ecological environment .
The ecological succession of climax community restricted by COD / SO 2 - 4 ratio , the causing ecological factors , was investigated in acidogenic desulfate bioreactor with continuous flow and batch flow experiment .
The result shows that , the natural community is divided into 5 vegetation type and 17 formation . The complexly community structure and primary life form spectrum are arbor and shrub , so they are zonal climax community .
Robinia pseudoacacia under natural succession will been taken by Quercus variabilis community . Robinia pseudoacacia might be a dis & climax community under the human disturbance . Platycladus orientalis successes slowly .
The average annual input of fallen trees was 0.6 t / hm 2 , it increased with the lapse of time and became 31.0 t / hm 2 after 200 years . It would maintain this amount until the climax community was over .
The dominance index of forest cover was increased from 0.611 to 0.692 during the period from 1985 to 1993 , and that of climax forest community was increased by 70 % .
In natural forest , pioneer tree species are more susceptible to plant pathogens than climax species . Plant community in early succession stage is susceptible to plant pathogens compared to climax community .